Intervention d’Ingrid Houssaye Michienzi (CNRS, UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée) au colloque “Crossing Boundaries. Trade and Connections on the Medieval Mediterranean”, University of Cambridge (UK), 10-12 avril 2019.
Medieval Florentine business records, comprising of account books and copious correspondence, offer a privileged source for the study of Mediterranean trade. In this paper, I will use these extraordinary sources, mostly from the Datini archive in Prato, to investigate the chain of trade from the island of Majorca to Saharan Africa which relied mostly on Jewish merchants established in the island and in some commercial places in North Africa. Continuer la lecture de Trade, Credit and Trust. An examination of the Business Relations of Jewish and Florentine Merchants between the Mediterranean and Saharan Africa (14th-15th centuries)”